Include vegetables and fruits, high in “Vitamin C” to help fight colds

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Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health advise people to eat vegetables Fruits are sources of sufficient vitamin C. There is no need to rely on vitamin C-containing drinks or jelly. Helps increase body immunity can resist colds

Dr. Suwanchai Wattana Yingcharoenchai The Director-General of the Department of Health revealed that vitaminC is a nutrient that helps the white blood cell process in eliminating germs, anti-allergy, reducing irritation of the respiratory mucosa, reducing sneezing, runny nose and preventing colds. Currently, there are many forms of vitaminC supplements available in the market. But in fact, the source of vitaminC can be obtained from vegetables and fruits in general.

Vegetables, fruits, high in vitamin C

Most fruits and vegetables contain vitaminC. can be found in


  • kale
  • Neem
  • sweet vegetables
  • sweet pepper
  • broccoli
  • Pue Leng
  • moringa leaves


  • foreigner
  • orange
  • Indian gooseberry
  • strawberry
  • lychees

Therefore, regular consumption will help increase the body’s immunity. and can resist colds In one day, if an adult, both women and men should receive about 85 and 100 milligrams of vitaminC per day. Pregnant women should get an additional 10 milligrams per day, and breastfeeding women should get an additional 60 milligrams per day. ufabet

How many vitamins do you take? To help against the cold?

However, consuming 400 grams of fruits and vegetables will receive about 210-280 milligrams of vitamin C, which is enough for the body’s daily needs. Without the need to drink water or products containing vitaminC in any way. Due to a survey of vitaminC fortified drinks or jelly sold at convenience stores, it was found that The amount of vitamin C per bottle is approximately 100-120 milligrams only if relying on drinking vitamin C fortified drinks to strengthen immunity. Must drink up to about 8 bottles per day to get 1,000 milligrams of vitaminC, which is in the amount of vitaminC per bottle. may have dissolved sometime before then Therefore should turn to eat vegetables, fruits, direct sources of natural vitaminC instead will have a better effect on health